
Part No: 100LR193
Dumb Iron 109", LHS with steering damper bracket, Series 2, 2a and 3
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Compatible Vehicle: Series 2, 2a, 3

This is our exact reproduction of the LHS dumb Iron (with the steering damper bracket) found on Series 2, 2a and 3 109" Land Rovers with a welded 4 section box chassis.   

Dumb Irons for the 109" and 88" are not the same! If you use an 88" dumb iron on a 109" the front shackle will be about 3/4" (19mm) lower reducing your caster angle causing your steering to wonder.

Our Dumb Irons are 382mm long and finish about an 1" (25mm) behind the front cross member giving you maximum flexibility around where to locate the join. 

Engineering requirements change from region to region so please contact a suitably qualified engineer to discuss your plans before you commence any chassis repairs.